Family. Adventure. Wellness. Abundance. Community.

About Jim

Jim earned his Bachelors (BA) in Anthropology from Stanford University and his Masters (MSTOM) in Chinese Medicine from Pacific College of Oriental Medicine.

​He’s been the head acupuncturist at Canyon Ranch Miami Beach, a mindfulness and meditation instructor at Scripps Center for Executive Health, and a former clinic supervisor and professor of acupuncture at Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in Chicago. He’s written Unlearning Stress, @thetongueguy on TikTok, the host of the Pleasure Points Podcast, and is a leader in the use of essential oils for acupuncturists.

​After suffering from IBD for nine years in his late teens and throughout his twenties, he knows firsthand how without your health, nothing else matters. Western doctors told him there was no cure and the pharmaceuticals he was given kept making him worse. With the help of holistic medicine, he was able to heal naturally and is now passionate about helping others understand the messages their body is telling them so they can be healthy, free, and aligned.

About Jennifer

Jennifer is a yoga teacher, business mentor, and wellness leader. A graduate of UC-Boulder, Jenn has gone on to lead yoga workshops and retreats around the world. She’s passionate about non-toxic living, helping people to remove the blocks and limitations that interfere with loving life to the fullest. She works with motivated individuals who are ready to level up and fully enjoy life through mentorship of mindfulness, yoga and essential oils.

When she isn’t working in her wellness businesses, you might find her hiking, snowboarding, or doing yoga on the beach.


Meet Vanchovy

In 2020, we bought a used Sprinter van and embarked on a diy journey to make Vanchovy! Our adventure vehicle was a passion project, made possible by not being stuck in our offices anymore. Want time and location freedom in your life? Reach out and say hi, and we’ll see if we can support you!


More love.

Bigger impact. Healthier families.